Yes on B

Vote YES on Measure B to protect Benicia's Public Safety and Essential City Services.

Benicia's population is stagnant, with limited locations to build commercial and industrial businesses, resulting in a local economy that cannot support the level of City services that make Benicia a safe, unique, and vibrant community.

Measure B will:

  • Protect Benicia's 911 emergency response times
  • Support Benicia's police patrols
  • Maintain Benicia's Parks, Recreation, Library and
  • Invest in local infrastructure
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Benicia Firefighters

Benicia’s firefighters provide excellence in all aspects of emergency response including fire suppression and prevention, advanced emergency medical services, technical rescue, and hazardous materials incident response. Our firefighters staff three companies out of two fire stations in the community, which has a population of nearly 30,000 residents. We answer about 3,000 emergency calls every year and when we’re not responding to calls, we’re training and honing our skills to keep you safe.

Benicia Firefighters Local 1186 logo
Four firefighters in front of truck
Firefighter battling a fire at night
Smiling firefighter with cat
Three firefighters in front of fire truck
Firefighter with hose and truck
Three firefighters on roof
Group of firefighters in front of fire truck
Firefighter battling a fire at night
Smiling firefighter with cat
Firefighters in front of truck
Firefighter with hose and truck
Three firefighters on roof
Group of firefighters in front of fire truck

Featured Photos

Support Your Firefighters

Support the Solano Napa Firefighters Foundation, a dedicated team of IAFF Local 1186 Union fire department personnel, in their mission to provide financial assistance, scholarships, and support to local charities, individuals, and families in need. Your contribution helps continue their valuable community outreach and services. Join their cause by volunteering or making a donation today.