Burn Awareness Week PSA

Your firefighters care about your safety 24/7, and during this year’s Burn Awareness Week, we would like to remind you about the dangers of burn injuries and the steps you can take to prevent injuries to you and your children. According to the American Burn Association, over 450,000 individuals are seen every year by medical professionals for the treatment of a burn injury in the United States and Canada.

The American Burn Association reminds you to talk to your children about the dangers of playing with fire, use lighters in the proper fashion and store them out of the reach of children, keep accelerants locked up and out of the home, and don’t leave children around open flames like candles and grills.

Support Your Firefighters

Support the Solano Napa Firefighters Foundation, a dedicated team of IAFF Local 1186 Union fire department personnel, in their mission to provide financial assistance, scholarships, and support to local charities, individuals, and families in need. Your contribution helps continue their valuable community outreach and services. Join their cause by volunteering or making a donation today.